Sexuality vs. Simplicity

Advertisements all over the world are competing with billions of other products and advertising campaigns to catch the eye of the daily consumer, in hopes that their purchase will be the next step. Tactics by advertisers used outside of the United States fascinate me because of the risks companies and agencies take, and when they don’t cross the line, offend or turn off the customer, it comes out beautifully.

These ads made me jump up and down on the inside:

Advertising Agency: Y&R, in Milan, Italy takes this ‘Glassing‘ campaign to something that a 5th grade teacher might see. AND IT WORKS. I was so excited to see these ads because I can relate them to the best looking people I am capable of drawing and they have a world wide brand that everyone can relate to. This ad makes me want to channel my inner immaturity and purchase some sweet new glasses. This agency took a risk of looking cheap and unprofessional, but laid it out right to the correct audience that will love this ad and love the glasses.

This probably already caught your eye before you even started reading this post:

Advertising Agency: 1pointsize, in Chennai, India, for Kama Sutra Condoms were certainly trying to make a statement. The picture alone, as daring as it is, speaks for itself, allowing the ad to be copy free and straight to the point. Unlike some over the top American ads using sexuality in a blunt way (cough Axe Body SprayWash Your Balls” cough) this ad is clever and sexual in a classical way that will make consumers remember the brand and tell their friends about it too.

So who wins Sexuality vs. Simplicity? BOTH. If done the right way like I think  agencies and companies can lean to either side and produce successful ads that people will be talking about for a long time.

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