Creative: Rob Baird


Rob Baird is the Creative Director at Mother Agency in New York, New York.  A youthful, non-traditional agency, Mother has exciting accounts that caught my attention. Some include:

KY Kissable Sensations

Target Harlem

Stella Artois

I had the opportunity to hear Rob Baird speak and he had some very insightful things to say when it comes to the advertising industry from the time that he joined the force, in the mid 90’s to today. He stayed optimistic and realistic talking to our class about the opportunities that will come to us when we graduate from an agency point of view.

What I Learned:

-Account and planners, creative and the whole agency combined should have open communicate about every project and client in order to produce great work. Without communication, and company involvement, points might be missed and connections of campaigns could be overlooked. Everyone should be strategic and creative no matter your job title.

-Ideas haven’t changed since he entered the advertising world in the 90’s. The platform that agencies or clients show them all have advanced to the internet and digital media, but the interests, ideas and formation of it all remains the same. Pick a role doing something you LOVE and the strategies will come naturally.

“Work Hard and Be Nice To People”

-Relationships are important and if you are the Asshole that no one wants to work with or bounce ideas off of, you will get no where. Like Ashly Stewart said in my previous blog, staying in contact with people who are in the same field as you, as well as thanking them for any help or advice they give, will always work to your benefit. This will greatly help with relationships between client/agency/labels in the future.

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