What’s Your Theme Song?

IPOD Commercial:

A guy walking down a busy, energetic street. He has headphones on and you can slightly hear the muffled music. He has a skip in his step, obviously listening to his favorite song. He walks by a store window, glancing in and then heads for the door.

As soon as we walks in, the music from his headphones starts playing in the store, it’s an upbeat hip hop song and the entire store changes to people singing and dancing. Employees start twirling while folding clothes. After this brief scene he heads back out to the street. Once he leaves the store goes back to normal and the music is muffled again.

After he walks outside, he passes another girl walking in the opposite direction, she is listening to her favorite song on her headphones as well. They pass each other as you see her heading for a store, where the same thing happens. So on, so forth.

Should be three to four different people with different tastes in music.

END will read: Whats your theme song?


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