Groupon: What Were You Thinking!

Superbowl Sunday: Eating pizza, chips, drinking soda and getting excited for the entertaining commercials between football plays.

My mouth drops when I watch this first time Groupon commercial hit the screen:

Exploiting Tibetan culture and troubles to promote their website, showing viewers how much money they can save (in this case on Tibetan cuisine) in the United States using Groupon.

America is all that matters right?

Major uproar all over the internet ensued for making light of real life issues and using an entire nation to promote an American company. Groupon responded by stating trivializing Tibet’s cause was never their intention, but it still makes me wonder how the concept’s offensiveness slipped through the hands of everyone involved in making, writing and producing the commercial.

Crispin Porter & Bogusky who strives to draw attention to the cultural tensions created by brands was the Ad agency behind this commercial and are being criticized for doing it in the wrong way.

Is this and CP&B downfall without the influence of Bogusky anymore?

Only days after the premier of the commercial during the Super Bowl, spoofs, blogs, and campaigns against Groupon took over the internet, including this spoof on Conan O’Brien:

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