Food Justice


Recently visiting the University of Oregon, Food Justice had a conference to increase awareness and action about food and farm issues, speaking on policies for a successful and thriving local food system. What exactly do they do?

They have guest speakers from all around including:

Dr. Vandana Shiva, Indian food activist and writer

Frederick L. Kirschenmann, U.S. sustainable agriculture leader


* advocacy trainings

*policy workshops,



According to the insights of those at the conference at the University of Oregon, some of the topics covered during the key note speeches as well as the conference advocacy training were:

  • Examine the meanings and tensions among the three conference concepts: community, equity and sustainability
  • Share research from across disciplines
  • Build opportunities for collaboration among scholars, policymakers, practitioners and activists
  • Connect Eugene’s food and agriculture community to national and international groups
  • Investigate the relationship between regional food movements and social media
  • Consider the roles of women, indigenous groups and youth in farming and food culture

Emphasis on sustainability and food is an important topic for both the issue of saving money and eating healthier food. If there was enough advocacy and support for something like Food Justice, the greater community would have the resources and the energy efficient technologies to support themselves, depending less and less on imported goods. Oregon has one of the most rich and viable land and resources to sustain natural sources and food, that everyone should get involved and find out how to support this cause.

Want to get involved? click here.

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