SEO: ” Times Are A Changin’ ” by Wil Reynolds

This is a summary of the closing keynote at Searchfest 2012 in PDX

Speaker: Wil ReynoldsSEER Interactive

Quick Summary:

Isn’t it about time, we actually get rewarded for doing things right? Isn’t it time, building good content and not $15 dollar articles gives us a boost? What about building community, and connecting with people? We’ve been told for 10+ years that those tactics were the key to success, and they weren’t really. Lately it looks like that is starting to change, and we’re going to delve into examples of where it is and is not working, with specific takeaways on how to balance out your campaigns to get you ranked today and protect you for the LONG haul.

My Takeaways:

-The SEO Dilemma: What Google says will work vs. What actually works

-Honest Conversation: non-quality links, buy outs and paying for links beats real interactive and natural or organic links and conversations. WHY

-How to help balance both sides of social and paid and low quality links: You can’t jump away from crap tactics when they are the ones that worked.  You can’t always depend on good links for high rankings.

-Today: we need to build the bridge between the two forms of booting a website and or company.


1. Infographics: Beings with a human condition. Where do I fit in the world? I want to learn more. I want to impress people. People will go find out things they want to share but people are lazy.

      +A snippet of information that allows your to say “Hey, did you know…”

      +We want to learn something new but then move on

“I don’t mind losing, but I want to know whether or not I lost”

Agency Challenge: Understand the depth of your client’s goals

Client Challenge: Is your agency asking you questions

Few questions = more risk your strategy

2. Asset Building: If you have a large client, look go look for assets that they have already been using. you will find links through scholarships and opportunities that they are already using.

3. Leveraging Community: Breaking down followers or customers depending on what or who they are. Reaching out to them is automatically easier because they already follow you and know what you are all about. Start this conversation!

+Warning: Do not @ everyone in a certain category with information. You want to start conversations with particular people.


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