I was so lucky to be apart of such a great project. Deschutes Brewery presented its first “Deschutes River Recordings,” Eric D. Johnson of Fruit Bats puts his own spin on The Byrds’ “Ballad of Easy Rider.” They’re river songs, sung riverside, to benefit the Deschutes River Conservancy. Free downloads available at http://www.deschutesbrewery.com/river-recordings

My time with Top PDX Marketing Firms

Linkedin Guide to Top Marketing Firms in Portland, Oregon.

I have been lucky enough to be a part of three companies on this list. Although they were all so incredibly different, my experience has been nothing but great environments to learn, discuss, strategize and breathe online marketing. I worked with Amplify Interactive right out of college learning SEO, PCC and online marketing, working with huge B2B brands, as well as smaller local shops. Amplify works within the  Grady  Britton office, who have some of the smartest (and most fun!) people in the industry.

I am now currently writing from my desk at NORTH, proud to be apart of a team doing great things. I am doing what I love every single day and wouldn’t change a thing about it. I am working as a social media strategist and analyst, dipping my toes in almost every client here.

This industry changes everyday, which to me, makes it the most exciting industry to be in.

Call Me A Blogger- SearchFest 2012

Recently, I was a live blogger for Portland Oregon Searchfest 2012. SearchFest presents multiple informative learning tracks, workshops, and panel sessions designed to provide direct insight into the most up-to-date strategies and technological advancements in online search marketing and social marketing.

Industry experts and thought leaders from around the country deliver in-depth presentations ranging from basic SEM and social media fundamentals to specific advanced techniques.

Two sessions I wrote for are “Social Media Strategy” and “SEO On-Page Optimization.” I have a lot of fun summarizing these presentations for SEMPDX and invite you to go take a look. My summaries of other presentations are coming up on my personal blog to come.

Social Media Strategy:


Advanced On-site SEO


Inspiration for Innovation- Edward Boches reflection

I was lucky enough to be apart of a week at the University of Oregon hosting Edward Boches, Chief Innovation Officer at Mullen in Boston. He spoke on digital and innovation, calling out to students, including myself to think of a way to spark innovation for our generation in America. Going through this process of thinking about such a grand scale project, I’ve learned the in’s and out’s of what it takes to collaborate and listen to instill ideas surrounding innovation and where the world of advertising is leading into.

Something great that came out of the week was the new UO hashtag: #Buildshit. The week of key note speeches, lectures and lunches inspired me and my journalism colleagues to make things instead of talk about them. The control of platforms at our disposal (the internet) has cause the power of communication to shift from controlled to liberation. Leaving it up to us what we want to develop, share and innovate.

Edward mentioned some differences of today’s advertising model and goals.

Audience——> Community


Target———> Invitation

Media Plan———> Interest Plan

Penetrate———-> Collaborate


It is up to our class, our generation, to find new ideas that have yet to be discovered and take them on to #buildshit. I feel lucky to be apart of a program that provides great motivation and inspiration such as Edward Boches and all the professors pushing us to make our footprint in the industry as we graduate and join great agencies and companies, inspiring those after us to build and find more after us.

Groupon: What Were You Thinking!

Superbowl Sunday: Eating pizza, chips, drinking soda and getting excited for the entertaining commercials between football plays.

My mouth drops when I watch this first time Groupon commercial hit the screen:

Exploiting Tibetan culture and troubles to promote their website, showing viewers how much money they can save (in this case on Tibetan cuisine) in the United States using Groupon.

America is all that matters right?

Major uproar all over the internet ensued for making light of real life issues and using an entire nation to promote an American company. Groupon responded by stating trivializing Tibet’s cause was never their intention, but it still makes me wonder how the concept’s offensiveness slipped through the hands of everyone involved in making, writing and producing the commercial.

Crispin Porter & Bogusky who strives to draw attention to the cultural tensions created by brands was the Ad agency behind this commercial and are being criticized for doing it in the wrong way.

Is this and CP&B downfall without the influence of Bogusky anymore?

Only days after the premier of the commercial during the Super Bowl, spoofs, blogs, and campaigns against Groupon took over the internet, including this spoof on Conan O’Brien:

Branding Personality

Memorable personalities and characters help a brand resonate with its audience when it comes to the media (television, print, outdoor etc.) Some familiar ones we all know and ‘love’ are:

Flo- Progressive Insurance

Dennis Haysbert- Allstate Guy

Isaiah Mustafa- Old Spice

Just to name a few

This year, Wieden and Kennedy has taken this same trend with their 2010 holiday Target commercials. They made and produced 14 different variations of commercials with the quirky character of  Maria Bamford, promoting the 2 day sale at the end of December.

All of the commercials include this character in different situations surrounding shopping, Black Friday, and holiday craziness that most everyone feels as the year comes to an end.

Here are several of the videos and you can visit Target’s YouTube Channel for more:

Kids These Days

Advertising has come to a time and a place where it can become the most efficient in connecting brand to customer, unleashing multiple platforms of media messages targeting these audiences. Creatively, art directors, planners and creatives themselves have new technology and techniques to compile a campaign in traditional media as well as the new evolving social and digital platforms. Funding in the advertising department almost always surpasses any other budget to a brand or company, placing it in one of the most valuable resources and executions for a successful brand.

So what is the issue?

People these days use these kinds of words about current advertising:

Sex sells



Shock value


Racist (Racial profiling)

Although all above points may be arguably true, I would like to take a few moments to show some ads here that will make you happy you live in the 21st century. They also show insight to the envolution of women not only as people but integrated into the workforce with respect and equality.

IMAGINE these running into these ads from BuzzFeed while flipping through a magazine or walking down the street:

I’d say, we’re making progress