My Advertising Love/Hate Relationship

You have probably already seen this : Axe Commerial “Clean Your Balls.”

If not take a lookie…


Ok, I know what you are thinking; Another female offended by the content of crude commercial targeting and shock value. I see more to this though. Old Spice did a remarkable job at catching the attention of not only the men who watch this commercial, laugh, discuss with other fellas, and eventually purchase the product, but also the women who are disturbed by it will buy it to! This is what I LOVE about advertising.

STORY: My mom (ultimate feminist) and I were grocery shopping when we passed the antiperspirants including Axe Body Spray. We stopped as I tried to explain the commercial and how ridiculous it was, and she agreed. We had a long conversation about the representation of women in the commercial and how it would turn them off from buying the product.

SCENE: My mother in her room laughing at her laptop. I walk in and ask what she is laughing about. After our conversation in the grocery store she said she couldn’t help but Google the commercial and watch it! I told her that wasn’t the point and she said it was exactly the point. WE TALKED ABOUT IT. She had to know what the commercial really was and ended up sharing it on her Facebook to her old High School friends.

**Advertising is sneaky in this way. As long as conversation is started, curiosity will take over. Who knows how many people overheard our conversation in the store but most likely they went home and thought about it, or looked it up, even expanding the video view hits into the universe. LOVE IT OR HATE IT, it’s in the back of your mind and that is exactly how this ad and video launched the product to be such a success.

Introduction, baby.

This ( is my homepage. At least one of them.

Here are my favorite from today 10.2.2010:

The other is igoogle because of my addiction of organization and condensing information I need at all times. I constantly have music playing and my mood directly correlates what I am listening to. Sometimes when I need a kick start to the day I will blast something a long the lines of Gnarles Barkley “Crazy”. [Take a listen if your feelin a little crazy]

I love taking pictures too. I think the best story is told through a photograph because it leaves it up to the viewers imagination. First question I always ask: What was happening right before this was taken?

Here are some favorites from my archive:

I grew up in Eugene, OR and it has really molded me into who I am and has helped me realize who I want to be. I want to move to a big city, accomplish things that make me happy and most importantly, surround myself with people who love to laugh, criticize and live like tomorrow could end up like all those zombie movies, fighting for survival.

This blog is my space to talk and discuss things that make me smile, tick and think. Enjoy mi amor’s 🙂