Job Title? d. All of the Above

I have never read an article, err, “whitepaper,” that was so spot on to the reason I shaped my role in the industry to what it is today. I was e-mailed Forrester’s “Implications of the Splinternet and the Future of Web Analytics” yesterday and read straight through it; twice. This paper was a result of a survey that asked 210 marketers took to evaluate the “pain points they experience while trying to keep pace with the rapidly evolving multichannel digital environment.”

My “Ah ha!’ moments came during various moments in the study, but first I will tell you a little about what I do. I like to look at myself as a hybrid role of a strategist, analyst, community manager, and brand enthusiast. Although I would love to have a minion army working for me, splitting up the roles, I take them all on myself, everyday.

I realized when I graduated, and have only been confirmed of it since, that companies, firms, brands, people (whatever you want to call them) who have somewhat adapted to online marketing in the non-tradition sense (social media, multi-platforms, mobile) are scared. They are scared to fully emerge and strategize their brand on these channels because they don’t know if it will lead to a payout.

“Firms reported that measurement is a top challenge for adapting to fragmentation. The failure of measurement to keep pace creates significant barriers to adoption for marketers because uncertain ROI is the top barrier to adopting new channels in their organizations.”

Now, back to why I created by job role. I already had the skills to be an online media specialist, helping brands utilize platforms based on their audience, message, and service/product. That was simple. What I ran into was, “Well, how do we know spending time on these sites are going to lead customers to purchase?” I knew that this emerging industry was going to need more to back it up then telling a brand to Tweet, Pin, Instagram, or Tumble. I learned analytics, SEO best practices, and  the almighty PCC and Google Adwords world. Putting all of these skills together lead me to a place where I could give reasons for strategies and recommendations (with evidence of success) for a brands online goals. Once again, it all starts with strategy. Strategy comes from numbers; numbers turn into creating great content (or let’s hope it does).

“As media fragmentation occurs, what skills do you predict will be most critical to your marketing
organization over the next five years?”

50% surveyed answered “strategy.” The article goes on to state:

“Firms must develop an overarching strategy from which to direct the tools, organization, processes, and measurement capabilities that are necessary to succeed in a fragmented marketing ecosystem.”

So, first comes strategy, then comes testing and implementation (what works, what doesn’t work), and then comes expansion. Although firms are scared that the money they put into “social media” (“WHY? IT’S FREE!?) it is the mind behind the madness takes a lot of work and skills to reach the full potential of a brands online presence.

I have seen so far in my professional career thus far, that case study after case study is showing that brands who adapt to  online fragmentation, WILL see a payout. I am finding ways to measure both presence and engagement, AS WELL AS conversions, traffic and CTR. They are all relative. You can’t be successful with out one or the other. The article ends with a page of general recommendations that I would KILL to have CEO’s read, who are weary about online marketing, and the online fragmentation, and where their brand stands.

This is now the longest blog post I have written in awhile and a praise you for reaching the end. So I will leave you to read the article yourself. It will help understand why emerging online media is so important for companies and how you can keep CEO’s happy with real numbers and real results.

“Success is really hard to measure. One of the biggest challenges. The vast majority of our measurement is in terms of
inquiries, leads, pipeline driven and it’s really difficult to measure a social network in that way. How do you measure?
Numbers of members in the community? Or getting the CIO of the biggest company in the country rather than 15
smaller CIOs? It’s about quality and quantity of people in the community.”

I was so lucky to be apart of such a great project. Deschutes Brewery presented its first “Deschutes River Recordings,” Eric D. Johnson of Fruit Bats puts his own spin on The Byrds’ “Ballad of Easy Rider.” They’re river songs, sung riverside, to benefit the Deschutes River Conservancy. Free downloads available at

Call Me A Blogger- SearchFest 2012

Recently, I was a live blogger for Portland Oregon Searchfest 2012. SearchFest presents multiple informative learning tracks, workshops, and panel sessions designed to provide direct insight into the most up-to-date strategies and technological advancements in online search marketing and social marketing.

Industry experts and thought leaders from around the country deliver in-depth presentations ranging from basic SEM and social media fundamentals to specific advanced techniques.

Two sessions I wrote for are “Social Media Strategy” and “SEO On-Page Optimization.” I have a lot of fun summarizing these presentations for SEMPDX and invite you to go take a look. My summaries of other presentations are coming up on my personal blog to come.

Social Media Strategy:

Advanced On-site SEO

HippyShopper- My New Heaven

OK- So I am a girl and I  care about fashion. I care about the environment and sustainability too. The internet has been a wonderful source in being able to research what companies and brands are doing to fall into these categories. I was pleased to fall upon one website that featured MULTIPLE lines of fashion and brand in one place, rather then researching them all seperatly.

Where is this magical place you ask?

“Ethical Consumerism. Your guide to the fair trade, organic, wildlife friendly, ethical produce out there.”

This all inclusive website features:

Could you ask for anymore? I know those are all of my favorite things.

Even famous celebs like Emma Watson, and popular brands like H&M (who aren’t always sustainable) are featured on here when they are. Making it easy to pick and purchase anything on the site.


Picture Yourself

Not only does visually capture nature and organic lifestyle with original shots, but promises to leave a small carbon footprint with recycled print paper, digital work flow and efficient transportation to some of the most beautiful places on the earth. I love photography so I will keep this short and simple, let your eyes see the beauty earth we try so hard to preserve: Info

Inspiration for Innovation- Edward Boches reflection

I was lucky enough to be apart of a week at the University of Oregon hosting Edward Boches, Chief Innovation Officer at Mullen in Boston. He spoke on digital and innovation, calling out to students, including myself to think of a way to spark innovation for our generation in America. Going through this process of thinking about such a grand scale project, I’ve learned the in’s and out’s of what it takes to collaborate and listen to instill ideas surrounding innovation and where the world of advertising is leading into.

Something great that came out of the week was the new UO hashtag: #Buildshit. The week of key note speeches, lectures and lunches inspired me and my journalism colleagues to make things instead of talk about them. The control of platforms at our disposal (the internet) has cause the power of communication to shift from controlled to liberation. Leaving it up to us what we want to develop, share and innovate.

Edward mentioned some differences of today’s advertising model and goals.

Audience——> Community


Target———> Invitation

Media Plan———> Interest Plan

Penetrate———-> Collaborate


It is up to our class, our generation, to find new ideas that have yet to be discovered and take them on to #buildshit. I feel lucky to be apart of a program that provides great motivation and inspiration such as Edward Boches and all the professors pushing us to make our footprint in the industry as we graduate and join great agencies and companies, inspiring those after us to build and find more after us.

Locality – Adams Sustainable Table

Oregon: what a great place for the focus of sustainability innovation and culture changes. With a growing market and  emphasis of organic farming with companies such as Oregon Tilth, businesses all over Oregon have the capabilities of retaining resources and  education of

“biologically sound and socially equitable agriculture.”

Adam’s Place Restaurant was one of my favorite downtown places to eat in Eugene. Gourmet food with great wine and a full service bar, professionals, young adults and your typical date night couple could all enjoy an evening there. Executive Chef Adam Bernstein’s has 30+ years of culinary and restaurant expertise.

Recently, in 2009, not only did the name change to Adam’s Sustainable Table but became part of the Sustainable Table INC. committed to provide “the most wholesome, unadulterated local organics produce and all natural proteins available in our region.” All of the food is procured from farms, ranches, mills located primarily from within a 75 miles radius, most within a 25 mile radius.

Kind of reminds me of a scene from the show Portlandia


Adam’s restaurant goes beyond only using organic products in their food. They recycle their fryer oil into bio-fuel, serve rainwater harvested from nearby skies and are powered by the wind.

Voted Eugene’s “Most Green Resturant” by Eugene Weekly Chow!

“The ethical dilemma was whether to compromise our belief in the importance of local, sustainable food service or our level of fine dining. We chose sustainability,” -Adam

No Faces

Just because and image does not have a face or caption with it, does not mean it doesn’t tell an elaborate story. The great thing about pictures is that everyone who views them can imagine their own story, no matter what really happened. Following are a couple of my favorite photos from my life, each marking an eventful day or moment.

Take a look and imagine what was happening right before they were taken.

Angles matter.