Local/Mobile Strategies and Tactics

A summary of a presentation given at SearchFest 2012 in Portland OR.


Greg Sterling – Sterling Market Intelligence
Chris Silver Smith – Argent Media

Summary: Mobile marketing changes as fast as the most recent phone and and social app. Our expert is here to explore the ever changing landscape of local and mobile marketing and help you determine what tactics are right for you and your marketing strategy.


Chris Silver Smith:

+Local Search Ranking Factors: Relevancy, Distance, Prominence

-Basic business listing info from data aggregation (Ex: infogroup)

-Make it easy for your website to be found by using semantic markup language- allows your to inform Google bots of what elements on the page are for.

-Use Citations: Mention a business at a location, or a telephone number, or an address. Mention of a business name can be a citation as well. They will try to analyze your popularity depending on the number of citations. This makes is easier for people to find all the information they want in one place. Google will favor this.

+Biz data sources = Basic citation sources

+Analyze competitors place pages to discover more citation sources

+Participate in local events so people talk about your location and you may be included on wiki pages about the event

Unorthodox Citation Sources:

-Wikipedia articles (businesses, buildings, shopping center)

-Wifi hotspot. If you add this to your business you can be included in hotspot listings

-Geocache Locations

-National Register of Historical Places (If your company is registers as this, you will be put on state government websites and receive citations this way)

-ATM locations, Weather Monitoring Station, Pressed Penny Machines (specialty directories)

-Specialties examples: Spanish speaking, Jewish owned etc

Check-in Services

-This is the kind of data Google is interested in by counting it as a unique data factor. Looking at companies that rank better depending on the amount of check-ins they have.

-Encourage your employees to check-in if you are not a customer oriented location (factories)

-Facebook check-ins are indexed by Google to look at search results for data

Chris Silver Smith: @gsterling

“If you are not doing mobile you are practicing marketing malpractice”

-80% of Google’s top advertisers do not have a mobile website (OUCH!)

-Mobile web vs Mobile apps? Determine the difference. There are a lot!

-Mobile right now is only about 9% of search right now, but will continue to grow in the future

Mobile Advertising:

-Mobile is 23& of media time spent and 1% of budgeting (WHY!?)

-Mobile Eco-system- not as complicated as you think! Google has 95% of the share on the search side (PPC and Click to Call)

-Google’s Ad Unit Smorgasbord:

       +Traditional Search Ads

       +Click to Call

       +Custom Search Apps

-Device Targeting- All you have to do is categorize by carrier, geography, devices and more on Google Adwords for PPC campaigns. It’s that easy.