Stand Out

The stand out piece of information I have learned so far are the lack of platforms and sources available for the population to get easy and straight forward information surrounding sustainability. Brand practices, green washing in advertising and packaging, social movements backed by companies as well as the sustainability of particular brands and products, are all important pieces of information that it takes someone to be knowledgeable about sustainable purchasing. There is yet to be a platform that condenses all of this information, informing the public on the best possible brands to stand behind to better our environment. It still seems that it takes work and the proper education for a consumer to be fully aware of what they are buying into. This is something that is a passion of mine to find, or be a part of building, because I believe it (resource availability) should start at a young age. If I knew the things I did now at a much younger age, about green washing and energy consumption/waste, the decisions I have made and the companies I chose to support would have been drastically different.
After being aware of the environmental issues of our planet that are starting to motivate companies and brands to think more “green,” there should be a source to back up and show exactly what it is that they are doing to make these changes in the environment for the better. Seeing different platforms (Green Washing Index, Good Guides, Global Reporting Initiative) and agencies (Enviromedia) that are taking initiative in educating and working with sustainable thinking corporations is wonderful but frustrating in that it still doesn’t make it easy for the average consumer to really gain the information or knowledge it takes to make smart and sustainable purchasing decisions. In order to make a large positive impact on our environmental trends, societal changes need to happen as well as brand shifts to sustainable thinking, and there should be a platform where this information can make this shift possible and accessible.
A long term focus on improving our environment though the transparency of brands, companies and retailers, has to be built in order to progress. My goal is to be a part of a generation that makes this information easy to access and become the norm of younger generations’ education in order to continue making decisions and support brands and movements that will shift the environmental impacts to a more positive action.