My time with Top PDX Marketing Firms

Linkedin Guide to Top Marketing Firms in Portland, Oregon.

I have been lucky enough to be a part of three companies on this list. Although they were all so incredibly different, my experience has been nothing but great environments to learn, discuss, strategize and breathe online marketing. I worked with Amplify Interactive right out of college learning SEO, PCC and online marketing, working with huge B2B brands, as well as smaller local shops. Amplify works within the  Grady  Britton office, who have some of the smartest (and most fun!) people in the industry.

I am now currently writing from my desk at NORTH, proud to be apart of a team doing great things. I am doing what I love every single day and wouldn’t change a thing about it. I am working as a social media strategist and analyst, dipping my toes in almost every client here.

This industry changes everyday, which to me, makes it the most exciting industry to be in.